This week's recipe was selected by Jessica of Cookbookhabit and can be found here or in The Book.
I don't know if I believe these cookies would bring world peace, but they are certainly satisfying. I definitely know they wouldn't be bringing peace to those who baked them. No, those folks would find themselves frustrated by the rambunctious reluctance of the dough to come together in a cohesive log and stay that way!
The recipe is an easy one to mix. I used Hershey's Special Dark cocoa, so my cookies are dark as midnight. However, my dough was quite crumbly. I did what I could and turned it into two logs of the same weight, but different diameters.
I chilled the logs overnight in the fridge and what I thought were round logs on Monday turned out to be somewhat less circular on Tuesday! I had a bit of a crumbling problem when I tried to slice these babies. I'm not sure I trust that these should be sliced into 1/2 inch rounds. My yield was 26 cookies, but I concede my second log was probably closer to 2" in diameter than to 1.5".
Regardless, the cookies are melt in your mouth delicious and certainly worth making again. I don't think I will chill them for quite as long the next time and I may add a tablespoon of butter to see if I can get them to hold together better.
Though they cracked and split while I was cutting them, I really had minor issues getting them back into a roughly circular shape. As individual cookies they yielded pretty readily to the warmth of my hands and I was able to reshape them fairly quickly. I will cut them slightly thinner next time, but will allow my logs to be about 2" in diameter. I like the size of that batch best.
I hope you'll try them again - maybe they'll cooperate next time!
They were good tho', weren't they. Dough is good raw and safe. Next time.....
Do you think the world's best chocolate chip would be better for world peace. The picture reminds me of the merange cookies we used to make
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